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Behavior Consults


Behavioral issues span a broad spectrum from the annoying or inconvenient but fairly benign (i.e. stealing food or jumping on visitors) to the very serious (i.e. aggression toward people or other dogs). Recognizing that each dog and human situation is unique, we tailor a behavior modification program individually designed to best resolve problem behaviors.  Call to Schedule your one on one private training or behavioral consult.  518.854.9704 

At Your Home: Private Training

and Behavior Consults

I am a helper of dogs with people problems.  I have helped many people and their dogs with one comprehensive private training session or behavioral consult. An initial phone call to discuss how I can best help is useful (n.c.).

$90 per hour 


Phone Consults

I am a helper of dogs with people problems.  I have helped many people and their dogs through phone consultations. With a comprehensive discussion, I can often give you clear guidance, recommend helpful resources and if necessary help you find local hands-on help. 

1/2 hour consult $ 45   1 hour $63 


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