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Phone Consults


"Sarah is a helper of dogs with people problems. "

   1/2 hour consult $45     1 hour $63 

Make initial contact via email or phone to set up a phone consult.



While at first dog behavior consults done over the phone may seem an absurd concept, how can one impact a dogs behavior by speaking on the phone to their human?


Simply put years of behavior consults have shown me that often the problem rests in the subtle (or not so subtle) dynamic of dog & human interaction . The interplay between the human (parent) and dog (canine family member) is fluid and changes with a change in the humans behavior. While I can not see the interplay I can often help shift the dynamic between dog & human by Coaching the human.


Phone consults because often the problem with “the dog” stems from the relationship to and management by their human. Simple steps can be taken to correct the dynamic of relationship and effect a positive change in the dogs behavior.


Phone consults can address a wide range of issues, including behavioral problems, pre-adoption issues, what to look for at a shelter, questions to ask breeders, finding the right breed for you, end of life and grief issues or to just talk to an expert about your dog.


Call to set up an appointment.


"Sarah's phone consult on how to alter my puppy's extreme anxiety when coming in contact with other dogs on leashes reaped positive results.  It took discipline and patience on my part but her instructions on how to classically re-condition a new response from my puppy was spot on. Her phone consult produced more effective results than the private trainers that I worked with in person"  Darrel Wilks   2013

Ringing Phone
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